Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Spaggingly Good

i'm done with wednesday's lecture :)

was supposed to visit the doctor for my aching tummy who keeps giving me probs. i din wanna go actuallie. its under the orders of sir eng. but its raining so heavily and i'm tired. so i didn't go in the end.

was even too lazy to drop by the mall to pick up my lunch. so i decided to whip something off the kitchen. it helps when "the mother" keeps an abudance flow of endless supplies of food. she's feeding pigs at home. haa.

was craving for pasta-like noodles. so i made my own.

hot in the pan!


hee. i can cook! :D ok, you can't see the little stuff, but it has scallops (i put alot heehee...), freshly cut tomatoes, sausages, plus garlic and onions. and its the best spag i've ever eaten in such a long time. perfected QQ-ed spag. the maid always overcooks it. hee. and of coz, topped up with the never-wrong, always peppery, TABASCO! yums.

the best thing is, its all free. and so my foodie money can go to my gadget fund, so in a way, i'm happie. yeah, i'm looking for a gadget, still looking around, keeping my options open. so long as its radio-enabled, able to fit mp3s with not too small GBs. basically lidat. plus, ERS coming next month! heh heh. growing up is good in a way. haa.

and so, while spagging, i'm reading the papers, and found this article interesting.


it wrote in the paper:

"friendship leading to romance happens because what people are looking for in a mate overlaps with what people look for in a friendship. that's companionship, intimacy, and often, validation that they're attractive to the opposite sex..."

"we look for partners who are faithful, we look for friends who are loyal.... when men and women look for a mate, they look for someone who is similar to them in intelligence, attractiveness, worldview, values, height and weight. trouble is, friends look for people who are similar in those ways as well..."

and so,

"is there such thing as a non-sexual affair? what if you go for coffee at 10 o'clock everyday with someone from work, talk intimately with them. then you go home and you don't talk to your spouse."

interesting topic, but i don't wish to comment. juz fyi.

and this morning, as usual, was cruising on my 95, glenn said something like this...


-women like attention. so call her just to tell her you miss her. or simply drop by to tell her you wanted to see her face badly.

- be spontaneous.

- give her surprises.

- if all of the above fails, try cuddling.

i dunno la. something lidat. haa. no. i din make it up. but he din mention, it only works in your first year or so. haahaa. simply becos, the men just don't get it. they get bored. if you do, then you are one lucky lady!

oh, btw...

tomorrow's my BIG DAY!

i shifted my dental appointment to tomorrow... MUAHAHAHAHA :D

wait for my pics tomoroeee.
