Thursday, December 20, 2007

Grace's 24th

its grace's 24th! naturally the JAG*s would meet up! heee... i'm juz so super happie. pics say it all. i can't be happier spending time with them. even its juz a few mere hours. talks over dinner was really goodie. and the best thing is, we're all growing prettily 24!

i'm serious when it comes to food. heh.

ali la, took this pic and i din even know.

spot the difference?

this has toppings! :P

my black pepper steak

grace's pressie from vegas from me!

super nice walnut choco cake from secret receipe.

especially for grace!

its not even my cake lor.

say "yay"

i pointed at the cake first

super copycats

i tried to bite her cake! muahahaha~

its no wonder why we used to be in TAF club.

"she want engineer boyfriend."

they make my life so much more complete.



christmas tree craze

my birthday pressie. our matching wallets.

i simply treasure our friendship :D
