its friday, and i've fought hard for the whole week.
wanted to listen to love songs on class 95, but streaming is now suspended. sucks.
somehow, my engine's super low today. maybe cos its friday. being black and blue after a week's fighting. but i still have to get my engine running with fuel for office tomorrow. i've been feeling the same. but i've learnt to be more appreciative of things, and i've been happy at work. though certain things have changed, and at times, the workload is nothing but pure thunderstorm and lightning strikes. but my colleagues always make me feel loved. the smiles, toys and junk always appear at my table now. its those little things :) plus 2 good bosses.
meeting my besties tomorrow. for house-warming :) our lives have changed so much. since the pimple-poked face, to getting bfs, getting jobs, and now, ali has already gone on to start her family.
oh did i mention? managed to talk myself out of buying clothes, doing my hair, and getting a new organizer (my temp staff spilled coffee over it). actually, i just didn't have the energy to shop after work.
i am so gonna sleep like a baby.
i miss someone.