Monday, July 02, 2007

School Reopens

wah. i'm tired. juz came back from my weekly swim. school officially starts today, but i had no lecture scheduled for the day, so i got the day off...

swimming was good. except for some playful malay youths (no discrimination here. they juz happen to be malays). erm. but then again, its youth day holiday ain't it? like 6 or 8 of them throwing / catching a goggle? its so childish and silly. or so i thot.

i trimmed my fringe a little after failing to dye my hair, juz to spend time with ms aussie belle :) managed to catch my hairdresser juz before she closed the salon when i reached. and its juz for a mere 2 mins... haahaa... chopped off a little fringe for $5. hairdressers have it good huh? $5 for a min or so. aniwae, this was sponsored by mummy lar :)

lecture in the morning tomorrow. oh-man.

its happening all over again.

i'm tired. changing hammies bedding and i'm off for a nap.
